Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Woman Without A Face

So it's official, I recieved my French visa in the mail yesterday! Finally, all the time that I spent filling out stacks of paperwork and getting signatures and statements paid off. Glued to page 9 in my Canadian passport is a little piece of paper that states I'm a 'mineur scolarise', with my picture and some official looking stamps on it! It's all thanks to a woman in Vancouver named Caroline, who I have never met, but did an amazing job by making it possible for me to get my visa in a week and a half! As soon as I recieved my visa I phoned Caroline to thank her, and then the travel agent, MJ, to let her know that she could book my flight! She informed me that she would email me my travel information, which I still haven't's a good thing I'm not impatient....

1 comment:

Bryce said...

Ahh thats sooo exciting!!! :D :D :D! Cant wait for more stories!